Become a Fell Marine Reseller

Become a part of Fell Marine

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Fell Marine Authorized Reseller. Fell works with skilled and experienced organizations to be able to achieve our vision and comply with our values. We work with the most experienced distributor partners in the marine market across the globe. 

Fell Marine Authorized Reseller & MRP Policy.

Please fill out this form completely and, pending approval, we will add you to our list of authorized dealers and will communicate your addition to our distributors.

Select all that apply
Select all that apply
By checking this box, I indicate that I understand that Fell Marine products may not be sold on auction sites.
By checking this box, I indicate that I have received, read, and understand the Fell Marine MRP policy (link here).
By checking this box, I indicate that I understand that violation of the above may result in losing access to products.

Thank You For Your Request

Our team will message you back as soon as possible.

If you have any question, contact us here.